Regional network

Food Valley is a part of a co-operational network between primary production and food industry in Pohjois-Savo (North Savo). This network supports the activities and development of the food sector as a whole.


The main organizations in the regional Food Valley network are University of Eastern Finland (clinical nutrition), Savonia University of Applied Sciences (food industries focus area), regional development company SavoGrow (food products industry), Natural resources Institute Finland (Luke Maaninka), Savo Consortium for Education (Sakky), Ylä-Savo Vocational College (Ysao) and Progria.


There are also various food companies in the regional network. Get to know the companies in our Finnish pages.

Our regional network has research, development, education and expert services ranging from primary production (production of berries, plants, milk and meat, fish farming) to the development and refinement of food(stuff). The services also support use of local and organic food, circular economy, responsibility, food safety and they take into consideration the nutrition of humans throughout the food chain.

Learn more about the high quality and sustainable food production in Pohjois-Savo: High quality and sustainable food from Foodvalley region (Youtube)

Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Environments

Our network also has testing and piloting platforms, such as surface runoff simulator, lysimeter field, biogas research platform, urban farming platforms, test farm for berry cultivation, CowLab research cowshed, Savon veterinary hospital, teaching kitchens, product development and consumer test facilities as well as food and clinical laboratories.

For more information, contact:



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